Weekly Kids Activities Newsletter:
Hand eye coordination activities for kids
It’s Sumari from EasyHealthyKids.com.
When my kids grow up I want them to be able to play different sports. And sports require hand-eye coordination.
This week's newsletter contains our favorite activities that develop hand eye coordination skills in kids.
Chickpea scoop

Dried beans is a sensory delight to play with, and one kids are sure to love playing with over and over again.
I like this activity because it is simple, inexpensive, and you can use different types of beans (or a combination) for your kids to play with.
You just need some beans, a big bowl, a sensory tub, scoops and a few smaller containers to play.
Nature cutting bin

I like this activity because it's almost free (you just need child safe scissors) and it gets kids involved in gardening.
I'm sure most kids would be very interested in cutting natural objects.
Foil painting

Kids love painting on different mediums, and I always have foil in the house, making this a perfect kids activity.
Just supply a sheet of foil per child and add paint for an easy art activity for your kids.
Sponge water transfer

Can you transfer the water with the help of a sponge? The sponge will soak up the water, your child can squeeze it out to turn it into water again. Magic!
When the weather is warm, this is a good activity to keep the kids entertained with little setup and low cost. You only need water, bowls and sponges to keep your kids entertained in the summer. They transfer water from one bowl to the next.
This is a great activity for strengthening the muscles of your kid’s hands and fingers, and it is also a good way to cool off on a warm day.
Do you have any great recipes or fun activities that you want to share? Let me know by replying to this email.
Talk to you next week.
P.S. If you try any of these activities or recipes, let me know! I'd love to hear how you found them.
Also, feel free to share this newsletter with your friends and family.